1 Critical Key to Being Taken Seriously... Wrapping Up Well

effective closing Oct 02, 2023

A challenge I see in a lot of workplace presentations I hope you avoid, speakers don't WRAP IT UP and END well. Here's 2 things I commonly see and 2 easy tips to fix it:

Most common issues:

1. A number of people just quit talking.
It's like a dropped call. Your audience is thinking...
"Wait... where'd they go? Are they done?"
"Do I ask them if they're finished? Or is that more awkward?"

2. Some people end by going over a DISSERTATION OF TEXT.
It's like an entire presentation in a slide. WHY!?
Consultants... I love you... but you're the worst at this!

Here's TWO SIMPLE IDEAS to ensure a solid wrap up.

1. When you move toward wrapping up, use some kind of transition phrase so your audience KNOWS your wrapping up. (Too simple right?)

Example: "Just to wrap up..."

People who have tuned out (cause we're all prone to it) will tune back in.

2. Give your audience SHORT takeaway statements around what you want them to TAKEAWAY or DO.

Ideally 3 and no more than 5.

Don't regurgitate the whole...

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9 Savvy Tips for Speaking Off the Cuff Effectively

offthecuff Oct 02, 2023

Speaking "off the cuff" is one of those topics that people come to me a lot for.  It can be nerve wracking not knowing what someone is going to ask you.  It's more nerve wracking thinking you're gonna look like an idiot rambling on, losing your train of thought and not answering the question.  (Sorry... is that too stressful to think about?)

Off the cuff speaking can be much easier when you've got the right framework and habits in your corner. Here's a quick rundown of 9 Savvy Tips to be effective when you're speaking off the cuff:

1. Breathe and Pause: Start with a deep breath. Pauses are your secret weapon. They give you time to gather your thoughts and make a more impactful point.

2. Clarity in Simplicity: Keep it simple. Use clear, concise language when speaking. Avoid jargon or overly complex explanations.  The simpler, the better.

3. Active Listening: Engage with your audience. Pay attention to their reactions and questions. It helps you stay on track and...

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